鹭鑫海进出口贸易有限公司简介厦门鹭鑫海进出口贸易有限公司是一家现代进出口贸易公司,拥有多名专业从事贸易的人才,现已经开展建材,化工、服装、机械、日用品等多种商业贸易活动,进行多年跨国商务往来活动,由于公司具有灵活、守信誉和银行保兑的多方面优势,客户包括香港、日本、台湾、新加坡、韩国、泰国、中东等,业务量日益增加,为国内外客户建立起良好的沟通桥梁。Brief Introduction To the LXH CompanyThe Xiamen Lu Xin Hai Import & Export Trading Co., Ltd was found in the early of 2000, It is the private enterprise of state listed professionally import and export company, and it is the modern trading company with high educated staffs, historically experienced in various business scope covering building materials; chemical&n... [